Social Media Engagement 101

Social Media Engagement 101

Social media engagement is the rate and volume at which your audience interacts with your content in the form of likes, comments, shares and saves. Engagement rate also the key data point potential partners evaluate when deciding to work with a creator. 

So how do you get your followers to consistently engage with your content?

social media engagement 101

Natural Content, Edits & Filters

People interact with content that feels aspirational, but is still real and relatable. Create content that feels authentic and organic so your followers want to connect and engage with it.

Use filters that are natural and minimal so your content looks true to you. We love #PRESETSBYNITS for the perfect minimal edits that work together to create a cohesive feed.

Change up your content!

Instagram supports lots of content beyond static photos, and is shifting to prioritize video in general. Leaning into different types of content mediums will increase the places your audience sees and interacts with your content. Posting consistently on Feed, Reels & Stories will help your content be seen by more people.


Creating community is key to high engagement. Always answer comments & DMs, comment on tagged photos and share tagged content. These actions activate your community and encourage them to interact with your content too!

Learn more on social media engagement, calculating your engagement rate and using the data to understand your content rates in Module 3: Let's Talk Money!



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